C.E. O’Banion is a writer and teacher based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Pieces of his fiction, non-fiction, and reviews can be found in The Southern Review Literary Journal, Whalebone Magazine, The Hyacinth Review, The Dead Mule, Powder Out Press, and more in print and across the internet. He got his bachelor’s and J.D. from LSU and has an MFA from Antioch and USC in Los Angeles. His work, which focuses on East Texas, the great indoors, Mexican chain restaurants, his cat, and his friend Tapscott, can be found in his novel Chinese New Year, published by TBP Press 2023, and an upcoming collection of short essays. He has a wife, daughter, son, aforementioned cat, and dog and manages a hyper-successful fantasy baseball team. He’s been a finalist in multiple New Yorker cartoon caption contests, and teaches writing at Louisiana State University.

Contact him via email or Instagram.